New Space Marines; game one

New Space Marines; game one

Yesterday I got my first game in using the new Space Marine codex. It was a fun 2000 point game vs Brian and Blake and their Emperor's Children and Nurgle Plague marines. I took 2000 points of Crimson Fists lead by Pedro Kantor and Capt Cortez in terminator armor. I'm...

Yeah, It’s Good!

I went into this movie with the expectations of giant robots fighting giant monsters. It delivered huge! It was awesome and their was a pretty good story too. I recommend this movie to anyone looking for an action movie!Now to start my new Tau army.... how many...

The Door Step of Apocalypse

Apocalypse 40k is days away from it's second edition relaunch, and I'm getting very excited to field some massive armies! I have loved playing large insane armies since I first got into this hobby. My first experience in 40k was a huge multi player game themed around...

The Face of 40k Today

   Warhammer 40k is an every changing game. The last six months has been a roller coaster of a ride the likes we have never seen. So many codex releases and a new edition to absorb means what was once good is no longer the cat's meow. Today's face of...

Assault Armies in 6th: Part 2

As I sit here at work, my mind drifting off thinking of my next 40k project, I keep wanting to do a pure assault army. 6th edition has really changed how assault armies play and the game has shifted towards a more shoot first play style. I do believe there is hope and...