CotN List Final Thoughts: Assault Arrmies in 6th

Con of the North is long over, and it is time to get my final thoughts on my list and games down on paper so to speak. I went with a drop pod/spearhead style army and turned in a 3-0 performance. I was in top running but 2 daemon armies edged me out with better...

Con of the North Terrain

   Pickup game of 40k Saturday at the con.Terrain is the third "army" for me. I have two other full 40k armies, but recent began focusing on terrain. It really is like collecting a full army with many different themes and approaches to doing it. I took...

Con of the North 2013 review

   ROAD TRIP  Thank you Hy-Vee gas rewards card for a nice tank of gas!  Last weekend we made our annual trip up to Saint Paul for Con of the North. It is an awesome Friday thru Sunday con. This year Zach and Brian, friends of...

My Hobby; Directions not included…

Every one's hobby ebbs and flows. How much it swings in either direction may vary by person or by periods in their life. My hobby is an evolving thing. She is alive and roaring at times, and in deep hibernation at times. When I started this blog, my mistress the hobby...