They’re Back!!!!

6th edition is around the corner and I'm very excited! So many new changes but one of the most anticipated for me is the allies are returning. Finally my Redemptionists will be playable again! I will take them as IG and run them as conscripts or blob squads. My 60...

Bugeater Army shots and other Pictures!

Today I have some shots of a few of the fantastic armies I got to see at this year's Bugeater GT. Also is a bunch of shots from my game 1 with Alex Ferrell. I played him last year, and got to play him again this year. It was a great game and he is a great person to...

Bugeater GT 2012 Terrain shots!

Not much of an article today. I just thought I would post up pictures of Terrain from the Bugeater. Overall the terrain was awesome. There were tables that were too packed and some that were too sparse. But overall they were very good.  Terrain grade this year is...