Heinlein’s Rules: What They Mean to Me

Inspired by Dean Wesley Smith's latest blog series, I have explored what each of Robert A. Heinlein's business rules for writing mean to me going froward into 2016. Each little blurb below may come off kind of harsh, as this is me getting on my own ass about things....

Reading James Bond: From Russia with Love

This book was the first James Bond I've read and a bit of a slow starter. James doesn't even show up until about 100 pages in, which I didn't care for.  (And I have to wonder if the publishers said, "You can't do a 150 page book here.  Come back when you've...

2015 Wrap-Up: Writing, Review, and the Final Days

I have amazed myself with what I can accomplish when I really set a goal and strive for it!  I decided on DEC 22 that I was going to finally write a story I’d been dreaming on for a while, and get it done in time to submit it to the current quarter of the Writers...

D&D 5th Edition: House Rules

Our campaign is going along nicely, though we only get to play once or twice a month.  Though with busy adult lives and literally being on opposite sides of the world, that’s pretty good!  It also provides me with another creative outlet and great book...

Superheroes vs Alien Invasion

My short novel Invasion is now available.  Again.Let me explain.  Invasion first appeared in Dreams of Flying, but the way it ended I realized that the story had to go on.  Invasion is now the first of a series that I hope to complete in the next few...