40K Chaos Cult Formations

Before you get too excited, this is not a rumor blog, whether supposedly confirmed via secret toilet paper messaging system from GW's outhouse, or unconfirmed via drunken nerd convention.  I was actually just talking on the phone with a friend who was telling me...

Writing 2015: April Recap – Spring Brings Changes!

This post, and others like it, are mostly for myself and any like-minded writers who might be interested.  If that's not really your bag, you might check out the limited time sale on my superheroes vs zombies novel by clicking here.  (Only good for a few...

5th Edition D&D: Thor, God of Thunder

This series will be 5th edition D&D characters I make up, just for the fun of it.  I haven't played the game in 1.5 decades but like to keep up with nerdly news and I do really like this new edition.  I'm hoping to make at least one character of each...

Avengers: Age of Savings!

In honor of the big Marvel sequel Avengers: Age of Ultron due out in about a week, I have put my superhero novel Hungry Gods on sale!  You can get the ebook version for 33% off now through...  well, for a limited time.  (I don't want to give a...

Writing Blurbs: Tarnish

Writing blurbs sucks.  It’s ten times harder than writing a novel.  Maybe a hundred times, because you have to take a book that required tens of thousands of words to write—maybe over a hundred thousand, as in the case of Tarnish—and sell it in only two or...