Ancillary Justice: Book Review

One of my New Years Resolutions was to read at least four novels (at least one of them indie) and post reviews.  I know four doesn't sound like a lot, but it is for a life as busy as mine.  So here's the first:Great original SF Lit, but doesn't fly at warp...

My Mutant Methods… In Writing

I am continuously reevaluating my writing plans and process.  It is constantly changing (or mutating), as I learn about what is and isn’t working, not from what other indies are saying on forums, but from my own experiences.  So here’s some of what’s...

Writing 2015: March Recap

This weekend has been April, but it's worth noting before I get on with reporting my March numbers that I wrote 9,200 words this weekend.  That's some astounding, eye-opening stuff for me!  I didn't know I could accomplish so much in such a short amount of...

Warhammer Fantasy Battle 25th Edition: WFB vs 40K

I was flipping through my 8thedition WFB hardcover (you know, the one that weighs as many pounds as it costs), just for inspiration, and I thought again about how I’d like to play that game but…  I just don’t care that much for it.  WFB and 40K are two very...

Free Fiction Preview and Another Prison Break from Amazon

Just a quick note on new re-releases:Puppet Theatre is out again, this time including not only the fun, 60's-Batman-esque short story "Puppet Theatre", but also the first four chapters of Hungry Gods.  You can find this ebook FREE just about everywhere except...