Series Reveal: New Identity Crisis Super Hero Universe

Series Reveal: IDC versus IDCUBecause there’s too much superheroic adventure for just one series!The IDENTITY CRISIS series centers on events and characters surrounding the Phenomenal Five, past, present, and future.  This will consist of at least the...

Writing in 2015: February Recap

It is my intention to set my writing career on an upward course this year, as mentioned in my 2015 News Years Resolutions post.  So as part of my accountability and tracking toward this goal, I have been keeping better stats on my progress.  This...

5th Edition D&D: Jedi Knight

found image hereThis series will be 5th edition D&D characters I make up, just for the fun of it.  I haven't played the game in 1.5 decades but like to keep up with nerdly news and I do really like this new edition.  I'm hoping to make at least one...

Viva La Revolucion! Again!

When 2014 was new, we had a “Fugitive Fiction Revolution” during which we made changes of attitude and updated some policies.  I’m feeling the need for another yearly reassessment of where this publishing venture is going and how to adjust course as an author to...

Two-For-One, Dark Fantasy Double Feature

A quick word on a two-for-one, double feature deal.  The Prince and the Darkness offers both of my darker fiction pieces from 2013 at one fantastically low price!  You can buy this combined ebook volume for only $3.99, vice paying $2.99 each for A Long Walk...