More Pirating: Paying Authors For Their Work

My network of spies have made me aware of the below site and this string of posts.  It's hard to figure out when this all happened, because the time signatures occur before the reviews referenced were even written, or the book even published, for that matter. I'm...

Hungry Gods Paperback Available Right Now!

As of about two hours ago, the handsome paperback edition of my superheroes and zombies novel for grown-ups (on account of language and violence, don't ya know) is up for sale!UPDATED LINKSDirectly from the Printer (so no middle man gets a cut from my...

5th Edition D&D: Steampunk Wizard

Wish I knew who this artist was to give her credit; I stole it from a fellow image thief.THIS SERIES will be 5th edition D&D characters I make up, just for the fun of it.  I haven't played the game in 1.5 decades but like to keep up with nerdly news and I do...

Superhero Dentistry

Writing this new story is like pulling teeth!  Barely getting anything out.  Actually, I've been managing about 800 words each session (x3 so far), which isn't terrible but not my standard (usually at least 1000), and it's been a struggle each time....

New Eldar Harlequin Rules JDK

I have mixed feelings about the rumors of a new Harlie codex.  I remember back in the day when making a harlie force was doable.  And I can still visualize the White Dwarf pages from 1980-something when they first came out and had tables to roll on for...