Twitter THIS!

Twitter THIS!

@J_D_Brink...That's how that works, right?  With that little "at" symbol on the front there...?So I'm finally on Twitter.  I've been avoiding it forever, even though it's been highly recommended to writers for years.  I can't promise I'll get on there...
5th Edition D&D: Cthulhu-Warlock

5th Edition D&D: Cthulhu-Warlock

This series will be 5th edition D&D characters I make up, just for the fun of it.  I haven't played the game in 1.5 decades but like to keep up with nerdly news and I do really like this new edition.  I'm hoping to make at least one character of each...
D&D: the New 5th Edition

D&D: the New 5th Edition

I can remember my first Dungeons and Dragons box set: the red soft-back books, the colorful, gem-like dice (the d20 was purple!), and the excitement of opening it as I sat in the car of the old Potter Village parking lot as my mom continued shopping.  She must...
Halloween Sale on Horror Stories

Halloween Sale on Horror Stories

Just a quick note here letting you all know that NOW through Halloween weekend, my adult horror collection A Long Walk Down a Dark Alley is marked down to only $0.99 (ebook version). I know for sure that it's up at that price on Amazon and Smashwords as of...
Finding (and Losing) Time to Write

Finding (and Losing) Time to Write

A quick (and dismal) observation:I woke up first this morning, which is normal, but being Saturday I thought, "Ah-ha, finally, time to write while the family sleeps!  I'll get another chapter knocked out."  I came downstairs, let the dogs out, and turned on...