Writers of the Future Blog Post Live

Writers of the Future Blog Post Live

Just a quick add-on to my previous posting: the WotF Blog has officially posted the results for the third quarter, which you can view by clicking here.  Joni (the director) also always says where the entrants are from, and in my case she went so far as to say...
Writers of the Future Contest Results… At Least Mine

Writers of the Future Contest Results… At Least Mine

My story for the last quarter, which will also be featured in the Identity Crisis collection Dreams of Flying sometime next year, did not win the contest...  But it did receive an Honorable Mention, which is pretty darn nice!  There are thousands of entrants...
New Superhero on Amazon.com

New Superhero on Amazon.com

My humorous superhero adventure tale Puppet Theatre is now available on Amazon for only $0.99! You can find it by clicking right here.In other news, this is likely the last post I'll be typing up on this side of the Pacific.  The next few weeks will be even...
Weird Web Pirate Bull$#!^

Weird Web Pirate Bull$#!^

I don't know if I should be flattered or offended.  I notice that at some point in the last week or so, someone else has taken over my old writer's blog URL.  "jdbrinkfugitive" is now the site for some cheap hair care curling iron crap. How weird is that???...