Hot Chick with a Sword

Hot Chick with a Sword

PROGRESS AND PAUSE: KICKSTARTER UPDATEA couple weeks ago I finished the second draft on Part One of the book (basically the first third of it) and was able to get together with Amy Thunderhawk to take some pictures for future use on a cover design.  The sample...
FUGITIVE FICTION is Go for Launch!

FUGITIVE FICTION is Go for Launch!

The new Fugitive Fiction website has come online!  At this point, I'm pretty much the poster child for the indie publishing house, which will quickly become obvious.  But go ahead and take a look anyway…I will lean on their site from now on to display and...
HUNGRY GODS: Chapter One

HUNGRY GODS: Chapter One

I've just finished a revision of the first chapter of my forth-coming superhero novel, Hungry Gods, which you can find by clicking the link on the bar above, or by clicking here.I'm working on the second draft now, which will then go out to be proofread and...
Slaaneshi Vampires or Possessed Chaos Marines?

Slaaneshi Vampires or Possessed Chaos Marines?

A lightning bolt of inspiration hit me yesterday and decided to dive right in.  The idea was primarily for making my own possessed chaos marines unit, but I've also been somewhat on a vampire kick lately, so I got some ideas for that too.Idea #1: Use these as...
The Fat Lady Sings of Victory!!!

The Fat Lady Sings of Victory!!!

Okay, that might sound like a 60's Cold War passphrase, but what it means is the campaign is over (hence fat lady singing) and we have not only passed, but done so at  236% of our goal!  (That's the victory part.)  A GINORMOUS THANK YOU TO ALL WHO...