D&D 5E: New Titles Via Dungeon Masters Guild

Hey there, fellow nerdites.  I'm happy to announce that I now have two pdf ebooks on Wizards of the Coast's Dungeon Masters Guild.  The Guild is a marketplace where players can contribute to the gaming community by publishing material through OneBookShelf...

Where Did May Go?

I had high hopes for things to get done in May.  And now it's over!  Where the hell did it go?Well, working two 60+ hour weeks for the Navy sucked up the last half.  Today was supposed to be a "half-day" for the holiday weekend.  That worked out...

Teen and YA Superheroes: Another EBook Bundle Deal!

Hungry Gods has been invited into a third book bundle this month!  This one is all about teen and young adult aged superheroes!  It also has three tiers of books you can buy for an average of under a buck a piece. Click here to go there directly. Here's...

Free E-Books: Why Pay For Any of Them?

A quick share about a series The Fussy Librarian is running. They ask the question, "Why pay for ebooks?" One answer is, "Because the writers are people too."Check it out by clicking here and see what I mean.  It's a very nice idea they have here, and it helps...