Fire Dragons WIP

Up next is a squad of Fire Dragons. I finally pulled out the airbrush to start messing around with it. It really is like learning to paint again.I did a lot of reading up on it's use on the web and think I got enough info to start using it for some basecoating and...

Eldar War Walker Squadron Complete

Finally done! These bad boys took me a while. The model is beautiful but boy are some spots tough to get to.I also had a hard time deciding on how best to apply the color scheme I'm using for the army, debating whether they should be all white with turquoise panels or...

Eldar Combat Patrol

Last weekend I got a chance to participate in 'Combat Patrol' tourney at a local store.  It was a great opportunity to get my (now painted) Eldar on the table and try out this new 6th edition of the game. Needless to say, the experience was quite fun and served...

Wave Serpent Complete

Wave Serpent transport ready for deployment!The Craftworlders, tired of traversing alien terrain by foot, have recquisitioned the speed and protection of the ubiquitous Eldar skimmer.This one had been sitting idle on my desk for a while now so I took...

Hobby Mode

One down!The hobby wheels are turning once again and just in time for the newly released 6th edition. I've certainly been idle for quite a while now (life and all that) but I'm very glad to finally be back.Work continues on my Eldar, and with the new Allies rules,...