by j-hova | Apr 28, 2015
I'm moving houses and sadly I must admit I have too many models and toys and some must find new owners who can show them the same loving tender care as I have.The pictures below are actually taken from posts I did on this blog a few years back. Some of the models you...
by j-hova | Mar 5, 2015
Progress has been slow, works been occupying way too many hours... Hope to finish this model this weekend. :)
by j-hova | Feb 19, 2015
Only thing left to do is the matte coat... :)
by j-hova | Feb 15, 2015
I managed to get the details for the wolf riders and the thunderwolves finished. I also picked up some cork boards at the $10 dollar store to build the scenic bases. I'm considering doing an update for my space wolves collection since they are one of my favorite...
by j-hova | Feb 7, 2015
Been inspired to paint some more... I've been working on 9 wolf mounts. These are pretty fun to do as they are not so repetitive. I know Space Wolves have some new models out so hopefully by the time I finish these cavalry units, I'll have a better idea of how...