One Day Painting Challenge: Iron Hands Heavy Support Squad

Welcome to the "One Day Painting Challenge" that I've challenged myself to complete! The idea is simple. Take a squad. Paint it up. And complete it in one day. The main issue with this kind of challenge is allowing sufficient drying times between layers to ensure the...

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Caladius Grav-Tank

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️3.5/5 stars, rounded up. Although expensive, these grav tanks have a solid place in this army.Background.Hailing from the dark age of technology, this grav tank combines the...

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Sagittarum Guard Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️1.5/5 stars, rounded down. Not useful.Background.Sentinels on the walls of the palace itself. These Custodians practice long range and precise application of firepower to destroy the foe.Strengths.I need to be a bit brutal...

Wargames Gallery: Infiltrators

What happens when the two sneakiest legions meet?In this case, the Alpha Legion has just declared a charge against Raven Guard Mor Deythan armed with melta and bolt gun. The combi-meltas have already been fired though, and the Alpha Legion tactical squad can be seen...