Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Armoured Battery

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️2.5/5 stars. rounded down. More tanks! But they're not quite worth the points cost.Background.Medusas? Basiliks? Sure, that's the name you give to tanks when you have ran out of famous primarchs. Clearly the...

Wargames Gallery: Guerrilla Warfare

The remains of the Raven Guard take on a squad of Emperor's Children who have been dispatched to put an end to the Shattered Legions guerrilla warfare activities. I like this image as it really shows off the Emperor's Children iconography that I worked hard...

World Eaters Assault Squad Assemble!

Finally had time to make progress on my World Eaters allied detachment. These are the main troops of the detachment - a squad of jump pack assault marines.The most obvious thing here are the chain axes and other bits - sourced from an eBay vendor. I'm very happy with...