Themed Workbench Part Two – Star Wars Themed 40K Army

Themed Workbench is where I take a look at some armies created along a theme, from concept to completion. In amongst my piles of grey plastic are inspirations for ideas.  Some good.  Some not so much.  This time I’d like to share a project that’s been...

Fight Club – Blood Angels Vs. Thousand Sons

In this episode of fight club we have a narrative battle between the blood angels and the thousand sons. For this battle we used a custom scenario designed by my buddy Matt who was to command the sons.ECHOES OF WAR: The Second Battle for Signus PrimeCompelled by his...

First Curse Genestealers to the Rescue!

I, like a million other gamers it seems, am looking to build a genestealer cult army. This army just appeals to me on so many levels: lore, models, rules – the fact that genestealers are actually functional now. Due to the insane cost of the hybrid/metamorph box...