by jack stover | Jul 9, 2014
Good morning internet, it's JStove here and rather than talk about how much you love/hate the new ork book or whatever shiny trinket GW is dangling in front of us today, I want to talk general tactics. Something that applies to any army, regardless of...
by jack stover | Jun 18, 2014
Shut up everyone, it's JStove and I've got an important announcement. Rob Baer, owner/operator of Spikey Bits, wants you to steal from him. That's right, you heard it here first. Now, some of you might be familiar with Rob's buy-back program, where he takes your old...
by jack stover | Jun 2, 2014
Hot on the heels of a yet another article you've already read on BoLS, it's the Jstove to tell you about why everything you read on the internet about 40k is bunk, and why you need to quit the game and start playing warmahordes. No but seriously, don't quit 40k and...
by jack stover | May 29, 2014
Hey 40k speculation goons, it's JStove, and I'm here to tell you that the whole internet is wrong. Which is nothing new, the internet is always wrong. Moving on. More importantly, a bunch of other 40k op-ed writers, forum trolls, and rumor mongers were wrong too, and...
by jack stover | May 15, 2014
Hello Spikey Bits, its time for me, Jstove, resident jerk that doesn't play in your shop that you've never met who writes sarcastic editorials about 40k for Spikey Bits that sometimes get recycled onto BoLS, to add my own contribution to the big, stinking pile of...