Satire- GW’s Amazing Idea Machine?

Satire- GW’s Amazing Idea Machine?

Imagine for a moment that you are Gav Crudward, GW’s most/least talented games designer... Editor's note, this article does not depict any particular company, and / or individual specifically.  Obviously this is a light hearted article about what' seems to be in...
Budgethammer 40k- Buy Smarter, not Harder.

Budgethammer 40k- Buy Smarter, not Harder.

Dear Internet it's Jstove, and I'm here to talk to you today about being a penny-pinching cheapskate with your hobby, because I'm pretty much the beggar king of budgethammer. This is going to be a long one, so unless you're interested in saving money and lots of...
Cost vs Density- 40k Table Builder’s Dilemma

Cost vs Density- 40k Table Builder’s Dilemma

Hey internet, its Jstove here, reminding you that I'm still alive. It's ok, I know you don't care. But there's important things to discuss. First, for reference, check out this article Reece over at Frontline recently had up on BoLS....
Much Ado About Power Armor

Much Ado About Power Armor

Hello Internet, its Jstove here, and we can't shut up about Space Marines. The good news is, the Nids are starting to trickle in on the rumor front, so we'll only be riding this space marine gravy train for... Oh, I don't know, the rest of eternity? This new 6e...
Nostalgia Bomb- Battlefleet Gothorks!

Nostalgia Bomb- Battlefleet Gothorks!

Hello Internet, Jstove here with a little show and tell. Let's go back, but not very far, at least not very far as most of us guys who have been hobbying for a while are concerned, to Battlefleet Gothic. For those of you who didn't get into the GW scene until after...