Chaos Codex 2: Legion WTF?!!

Chaos Codex 2: Legion WTF?!!

Hello internet.  Well, I think it's pretty safe to say it, us chaos players are pissed. Larry Vela has said it, Black Blowfly has said it, Goatboy has said it... You've heard it from pretty much every corner of BoLS, We as chaos players have pretty much broken up...

A Messy Breakup Letter to GW

Dear GW,  It's me, JStove, and we need to talk. About us. We're having some problems lately, well actually, I'm having some problems lately. Yea, I guess its all me. You see, there's not a lot I don't like about you lately. I actually think you're doing pretty...

Breaking Taulingrad- Tips for defeating Tau

Sup Spikey Bits, it's Comrade JStove here again to talk about the Tau, and this time, its not as a satirical propaganda article. I know some of you will be disappointed that I am not purposely straining poor grammar and a fake Russian accent in this article, but to be...

The Most Expensive Chaos Lord Ever?

Good morning Spikey Bits... Or afternoon, or evening. It's morning somewhere. Don't ask me, I do all my writing after the sun goes down. It's Jstove here and I've got a story to tell. Editor's note- Recasting copyrighted miniatures is wrong. It ranks up there with...

Play 30k Without Paying 30k- Dreadnought Conversions

Good morning internet! It's JStove back in action, your resident purple people eater and Emperor's Child, the original son of Legion III. Today, I want to talk to you about Horus Heresy games. Now, if you're a marine player of any kind, and 75% of you are, (Thanks...