Conclusion to the Armada Campaign Round-up

"Rebel starships approaching, Captain." "Good, our first catch of the day."First off, an apology for the lack of updates on this blog. I updated the core group of players in other media forms (whatsapp chatgroup) and didn't think of writing a post on this side...

Star Wars Armada Campaign Week 2 Round-up

It has been a hectic week for Week 2 of the Star Wars Campaign! 7 battles were fought for control of the Raioballo sector and as predicted, planets have started to fall. Here is a quick round-up of the action.Imperials :Imperial forces made 4 attacks this week, with...

Star Wars Armada Campaign Week 1 Round Up

It's been a great start to the Star Wars Armada Campaign! With 6 battles fought over the week, here is a quick round up of the action.Imperials :Imperials started great with an offensive to take Alurion. 4 attacks were made over the week starting with Admiral TJ...

Star Wars Armada Campaign @Titan Games

"Many Bothans died to bring us this information." - Mon MothmaAs promised, here are the rules for the Star Wars Armada Campaign that we will be running over at Titan Games for the month of June. The campaign will kick-off on 1st June and last until 28th June where we...