Crimson Minotaur Space Marine Razorback Completed

Crimson Minotaur Space Marine Razorback Completed

Crimson Slaughter Minotaur Tank Colour Scheme I have recently observed (as have several other people) that my colour scheme is unerringly close to that of Games Workshops official new face of chaos: the Crimson Slaughter. Now, this is rather unfortunate. I thought up...
Basilica Administratum 40k Scenery Update

Basilica Administratum 40k Scenery Update

Grim Dark City TileQuick update on the progress of this tile. With the base complete I have moved onto the building itself. So far I am just dry brushing it to get it to a state fit for the tabletop. There is a daunting amount of skulls and extra detail to be painted,...
1500pt Raven Guard Army List – Competitive*

1500pt Raven Guard Army List – Competitive*

*Space Marine Raven Guard & CompetitivenessNow, I stated competitive in the title but really I just lied. This is a Raven Guard army list attempting to be as competitive as possible whilst exploiting their rather lacklustre chapter tactics. So this list does not...
40k Battlefield City Tile – Painting Steps

40k Battlefield City Tile – Painting Steps

Painting Techniques I have managed to finish this terrain base that I demonstrated how to build up earlier on. This tile will work well as a stand alone piece and as a base for my Basilica Administratum to stand on.I used the same painting techniques as my earlier...