Large Space Marine Army for Sale

Formation Based ArmyHello again, so my Dark Eldar sold very quickly so lets see how this one does! I have lovely looking space marine army with a lot of conversions and custom parts. I have used Puppetswar parts throughout the force and there is a fair bit of...

[40k for sale] More Dark Eldar and Eldar Photos

More Photos!Just adding some more photos to show off what is for sale from my Dark Eldar and Eldar collection. Again, if you are interested in purchasing any please email me on jamesbeer145@gmailDOTcomCheck out the earlier photos in this blog postRead more »

[SOLD] Large Dark Eldar army with Eldar Allies

Dark Eldar Sale, Now On!Here is my first post in many months and its to do with selling an army. I'm not quitting 40k, despite my blogging absence. I have most certainly been keeping it going. In fact this is all about funding my next project.Read more »
Dark Eldar vs Space Marines Part 2

Dark Eldar vs Space Marines Part 2

Crimson Minotaurs Chapter Master Poised to FallWelcome back to this fake battle I assembled last weekend. If you missed part one do go and take a look!Dark Eldar vs Space Marines Part 1Last time we left the scene with the Dark Eldar forces scattering at the blunt but...