Biel Tan Dark Eldar Test Kabalite

Biel Tan Dark Eldar Test Kabalite

One Battered WarriorHere is my first Kabalite Warrior. As I outlined in my earlier post I am painting my Dark Eldar army in a Craftworld Biel Tan colour scheme, albeit a bit grittier and a bit darker.Take a look at my first test miniature below. I have ignored a few...
Colossal New 40k Project: Biel Tan Dark Eldar!

Colossal New 40k Project: Biel Tan Dark Eldar!

Successful Tau ExodusThe vast majority of my Tau force has been sacrificed to the ebay gods...I am sure it's for the greater good. Thanks to any readers who made a purchase, it has been vastly more successful than I imagined. The army is mostly gone now but there...
Apocalypse Tau Empire Battle Force!

Apocalypse Tau Empire Battle Force!

First - Grim Dark News!I have had a few months off posting. Grim Dark Realms is not dead it has just been in status. I have still been painting, following Games Workshop rumours and releases and am excited as ever about the hobby.Read more »