ScratchBuild Log Part 1: 1915 Curiasse "Fortin" Aubriot-Gabet

Here is the build log for my 1915 Curiasse "Fortin" Aubriot-Gabet (Experimental Electric Armoured Vehicle) Scratchbuild in 1/35 Designed in 1915, the Aubriot Gabet “Fortress” was considered as a way of pushing across the dangers of no man’s land. The armoured...

Sword and (CRYSTAL) Brush!!!!! New Canadian Qualifier!!!!!

No secret that I look forward each year to the Sword and Brush Competition in Toronto Ontario Canada and today they dropped some Truly EXCELLENT news!!!From Sword&Brush Organizer Alex McCutcheon:Great news! Sword & Brush is proud to announce that we are now...

Adepticon Aftermath 2017

So my first Adepticon has come and gone! And it was simply amazing.People who were there know what I mean - the congratulatory and thankful facebook posts have been rolling through my page filled with tags for seemingly half my friends list, and dozens of people have...


Wow ! that was fun. Wonder what will be next.....?Zab, Knowman and Adam Graham! Huzzah! - If each of you fine folks could message me at tkkultist@gmail Id love to sort out addresses and figure out what kind of prize to send each of you!I would also like to...

Half A Million Views! Contest!!!!!

Holy Moly!I looked at my view count today and realized I am likely to cross the half million mark in the next couple days!This calls for a small Contest and Prizes!!!!!So I'm going to make it simple.  Comment on this post on my blog (if you are reading this on...