Return of the Ma.K – Dragomir’s "Last Prayer" Diorama

I have long been a fan of Ma.K (Maschinen Krieger). The time worn historically inspired, anime-esque aesthetic is just cool. Today I am pleased to present a photo SBS of a Ma.K. build by one of my friends Dragomir Milanovic. Readers will have seen him multiple...

One "Wicked" Khador Gun Carriage

New England's own "WickedPaintah" Dan Clark completed a conversion so cool that I had to share it forward! (You know how much I love conversions!)He felt that the horse-drawn tank just wasn't as cool as...well... an ACTUAL TANK! This is a conversion that has been...

The Great Green Motherland Machines of Mikkel Ernst

At this years WTC one incredible Khador force stood out amongst the crowd in ways that could not be ignored. The weathering, the Freehand, the blending were all on point and Mikkel Ernst of Denmark walked away with the Best painted army award. When I saw this...


Howdy y'all!I did some super quick paintjobs on a couple of the MK3 Battle Boxes to encourage the kids in my after school club to get excited for Warmahordes. Nothing fancy but they look good from arms length!More Play It Paitned tabletop level stuff coming soon! LMK...