Gobber Tinker Part 3 Final Pics

So in an interesting twist of fate - I have been invited to be a part of the Putty&Paint online community. An excellent gathering of incredible talent and inspiration - I am honoured to be a part of it! What is more, I have now posted this tinker,...

Gobber Tinker Part 3

So in an interesting twist of fate - I have been invited to be a part of the Putty&Paint online community. An excellent gathering of incredible talent and inspiration - I am honoured to be a part of it! What is more, I have now posted this tinker,...

Happy Canadian Tanks Giving!

Happy Tanks Giving from your friends at LITW!Also, Check out the This Death Clock Has 30 Minutes Podcast!!!! (something I am thankful for this year!)

Time to Paint the Walking Scrap! – Gobber Tinker Part 2

My painting buddy :) Full disclosure: This Gobber tinker is the first serious effort I have made to paint anything in nearly a year.  As the incredible Jessica Rich said in last weeks post, you use it or you lose it. The Warjack won't be the only thing...

Just Paint. AKA: The Mad Rambles Of Jessica Rich

Jessica Rich is someone whom I thoroughly enjoy. Though geographically distant, her love of great contemporary art, her sense of humor, and the kindness she has shown me whenever our paths have crossed, marks her as a friend.Her skill with the brush, daring sense of...