by James Craig | Sep 13, 2016
So Im going to start by giving away the end of the story... I built a Privateer Press Gobber Tinker model and took it to the always AMAZING Sword And Brush competition in Toronto this past weekend and won this year's theme award "Best Orc or Goblin" sponsored by the...
by James Craig | Sep 6, 2016
Hey all - Back in the trenches after an awesome summer off with my family! I didn't accomplish a tonne of work this summer but have a few things to show for it that I will roll out over the next few weeks. I have also secured some amazing new articles from a few...
by James Craig | Jun 7, 2016
Horthol - one of the most Bad @$$ solos in Hordes. He is a Toughalow riding, line breaking, Elite Cadre inspiring, PS15, presumably 1 inch reaching KD/Slam Machine!Further, He is a well sculpted and characterful model. Great face, upgraded Toughalow armour,...
by James Craig | May 31, 2016
Howdy readers, back again with some Trollblood building goodness! A few small updates this week.I know I said I would be continuing with my Long Riders, but I am still waiting on some conversion parts from PP so Ill end up rolling them out a little more slowly and...
by James Craig | May 25, 2016
An amazing tutorial from one of my favorite painters (and a great friend) Dragomir Milanovic!I've had a few requests on how I did the concrete on the PT Sturmgacruiser Fallout base. Hopefully I can fully explain it here.I used dental plaster for the base. This is...