{T}rolling Along Nicely 2….. MOAR Fire Eater conversions!

Man that is a pretty obnoxious title... sorry.Anyhoo the task of converting and personalizing my Trollbloods continues! As mentioned last time I have 2 units of fire eaters and I dislike duplication in my models. My first unit were pretty standard - just a couple...

New Trolls + New Backdrop

So just a quick update - a couple minor conversions on some of my trollblood models. I generally dislike too much repetition in the models in my army and try to convert, even in just small ways, to give each model some personality. I still try to stick to the PP...

REVIEW: FAQ2 – A brilliant resource for Modellers!

In honour of one of my favorite artists/modellers - Mig Jimenez - coming to Canada for HeritageCon (March 20th 2016 in Hamilton Ontario - HERE is a link to their site) I have decided to post a review of one of his books - the really cool and incredibly useful...