My first commission

So I've been asked by a guy at work to paint some space wolf HQ choices for him. Ulrik the Slayer, Ragnar Blackmane and Logan Grimnar. Here's a few wip shots of Ulrik, I need to finish off his wolf pelt and paint his back pack then it'll be time to start work on...

Keep on trukkin

Here's a quick post, I've decided that with the orks I'm gonna go quick and easy with the painting.........just like an ork really. So here's my trukk thats only took me about 2.5 hours which is pretty bloody quick for me. Just a load of dry brushing with details...

Goodbye green Tau, HELLO GREENSKINS!!!

Greetings blogosphere, sorry for the ridiculously long time between blogs. I decided that I needed something FUN to play so I posted up on a local gaming club Facebook page that I had 1500pts of tau that I'd like to trade for the same in orks and BLAM, I got someone...

Plasma cannon…..well sort of

Here's a wip of my plasma cannon guy. Just need to base him and do the decal on his shoulder pad but to be honest, I'm waiting till I get the army fully painted then I'm gonna batch decal.......well that's the plan anyway. So what do you guys think. So till next...

Tau for tea.

Once again sorry for the huge gap in posts. But here's a picture of one of my battle suits. I'm really pleased how its turned out, especially the base as it cost next to nothing at all. Rather than using flock I've used green tea leaves and peppermint tea leaves mixed...