Deathwing hoooooooo

I've got 3 squads if deathwing terminators to do so here's the first squad almost finished (barring the crux terminatus pads). I decided to go with regular marine helmets rather than the termy ones as I think that they just look cooler and I didn't have any termy...

W.I.P Plasma cannon dude.

I decided that in one of my tactical squads I needed, ok ok I WANTED plasma cannon guy but I didn't have one. Bad times. So I had an idea. I may not have had any plasma cannons but I did have some plasma guns in my bits box and thought about sticking them together to...


Well i set my self a challenge the other month to paint at least one kill point a month as im sick of having unpainted armies when i play 40k (well, when i get chance to play that is). I think its safe to say that ive been doing quite well. This post is going to be...

Tat will Do……..MUNDA

Just a quicky really, i decided to finish a munda juve off last night while i had an hour or 2 to spare. I decided to give him a little tattoo to show his dedication to the Emperor.............see if you can spot it.Please let me know what you think.So till next...

geeky goings on 2012-07-07 22:06:00

Well its been a really long time since i last posted up here but im gonna really try to make a change with that. Ive decided that im sick of only having dribs and drabs of models painted in my 2 armies (marines/dark angels & Tau) so have given myself a personal...