
So I've been making up a gang for necromunda, based on house goliath. I was gonna convert some orks due to their muscular build but my mate Carl brought round a bunch of chaos marauders, some cool looking weapons from maxmini and some space wolf scout heads ( cheers...

Chaplain Cypher – The finished Article

Oh bloody hell its been a while, but at last here is my Cypher model transformed into a chaplain for my Dark Angels 2nd founding all finished and painted up.The idea behind using Cypher is, since he only ever shows up on a battle field momentarily (and the fact hes...

Chaplain cypher

Just a quick one here really, I've finally got to putting this guy together after having him for almost a year. I always wanted him as a chaplain so I needed a crozius for him but I wanted one unique to him so I used a power sword arm for the ARM and hilt, a power...

My Captain My Captain

Gonna be playing in my first tournament ever at the end of September at the Hull's Angels gaming club, and to make it better its for the macmillan charity for cancer support. Now the thing is i wrote out my list which included a captain on a bike (as...

Da Boys iz dun (at long last)

Just a little short one here with many pics of my Gorkamorka gang and camper van half trakk all finished.Now all i need to do is to try and get a game in.So till next time..........OORAH Dakka Dakka Da redda da fastaEveryone say waaaggggghhhhh