Hobby Update: CSM Terminator spam!!!

So I recently acquired 30(THIRTY) Chaos Terminators in a trade!(I don't buy much from GW anymore because of prices). They are all bare plastic, and equipped pretty close to exactly what I wanted. Three ten-man squads each with the following: 3 Power Weapons 2...

Initial Tau Thoughts

So I got a chance to page through the new codex(sadly didn't buy because my store ran out of copies) and man can I say there are some things there that are easily identified as pretty darn nasty! Fun that my 6k of Tau will now be classed as the "new kids on...

Being a Realist or a Quitter?

So I recently played a game vs a friend of mine. It was a big bash of 2500 points on a heavy terrain board that looked like this: It was my Chaos Marines vs his Chaos Marines, Dawn of War Purge the Alien. His list was Khorne Lord w/ Power Maul Melta Bombs Dark Apostle...