30k vs 40k?

Many are aware of Forge Worlds most recent massive project of providing rules and models for the Horus Heresy. I always was indifferent to it...until I actually read the rules! They are fun, competitive, fluffy, and (gasp!) they are actually well-written. If it's one...

Prep for ‘Ard Boyz

For those who don't reside in the US, Ard Boyz is a free,nationwide tournament that is 2500 points, with entrance level tournaments all across the country and semi-finals/finals in preset locations. Anywho, to cut to the chase, I have four armies, each of which I have...

Results of the Cron 2k test

So tried out a slightly different cron list that required 2 proxies, against my brothers BA/IG combo. Destroyer Lord: Weave, Orb Imotekh Court: Veiltek(65), 2x Stormtek(50), ChronoTek(40) 10 Warriors: Night Scythe 10 Warriors: Night Scythe 20 Warriors: 20 Warriors: 5...

Competitive Tourney List Critique?

So am going to a 1750 tournament in 3 weeks, with unheard of prize support(total is over $1000). Obviously I want to try to do well, so will be bringing a competitive list! I traded my Grey Knights away about two months ago, but have the models to run the following...

New FAQ’s are up!

GW just posted its newest batch of FAQ's up, go check em out! Cool things I saw:  dreadnoughts in ravens took some hits(now take s10 hits if the Storm Raven was Zooming)you don't get ap2 if you rend vs vehicles, only on infantrywarlord traits are lost if the...