Warmachine: Colossals!!! SOOOO AWESOME!!!

I don't know if you have seen this, but it's soooo great!!! I can't wait to see more of them!!! It semms like they will be completely resin, which I think is really cool! The Khador and Cygnar ones look awesome but what will the others be like? Any guesses? There even...
Mantics Crazy Christmas Bag = WIN!!!

Mantics Crazy Christmas Bag = WIN!!!

About three weeks ago a buddy of mine texted me and asked if I would like to purchase one of Mantics Crazy Christmas Bags and go splitzies on shipping costs because he wanted one for himself. I took a moment, read the reviews and checked out this unboxing video and...
Warmachine: Khador Manhunters DONE

Warmachine: Khador Manhunters DONE

I got both my manhunters for Khador done over the weekend. I like how they turned out and can't wait to get my first Warmachine game with them in this year. Really looking foreward to that! On a side note I love Privateer Presss Thornwood Green (the cloth on both...
Warhammer 40k: Blood Angel DoA 500pts DONE

Warhammer 40k: Blood Angel DoA 500pts DONE

As promised here is the army shot of my freshly painted 500pts Blood Angel DoA Army. They are lovely painted, the army is very fluffy and I was able to win the first game I played with them. What more could you want? :)Here is the army list again, just to remind you...
Warmachine: Khador Manhunters WIP

Warmachine: Khador Manhunters WIP

I managed to get some work done on my Khadoran Manhunters. I basically just basecoated almost everything and gave the skin a wash. I thought it would be a good idea to show you some WIPs in between stages. I still need to basecoat the wrappings around their arms and...