Warhammer 40k: Imperial Guard Chimera Commission Done

Warhammer 40k: Imperial Guard Chimera Commission Done

The Imperial Guard Steel Legion Chimera is done. I overdid it a little with the pigments but I think it still turned out beautiful in the end. I have a lot to learn considering pigments but working with them is quite a lot of fun! Here is the finished product. What do...
Warhammer 40k: Blood Angel Assault Squad II Done

Warhammer 40k: Blood Angel Assault Squad II Done

These guys were done pretty fast and still look soooo cool! I just love the look of assault marines in the morning!;) The Sergant is magnetized just like the other one is. They can carry thunderhammer and stormshield or powerfist/powerweapon and boltpistol. With these...
Warhammer 40k: Imperial Guard Chimera Commission WIP

Warhammer 40k: Imperial Guard Chimera Commission WIP

I started painting the chimera right away. I got to say I love building tanks and now I can say I also love painting them. Here are the WIP shots:just some color modulation and the camo done thus farrivets and panels washeddecals put on and metals paintedglass...
Warhammer 40k: Imperial Guard Chimera Commission Build

Warhammer 40k: Imperial Guard Chimera Commission Build

The first commission: an Imperial Guard Chimera. I build the chimera exactly like the customer wanted and how it's pictured below.Heavy flamer in the turret, heavy bolter on the hull, no tank commander and no other extras. Very plain and simple. It's gonna be painted...

The WarBlog is currently taking commissions!

Yes, I am. So if you want to build an army but are too lazy to paint all those wonderful little plastic or metal toy soldiers, simply contact me and we'll work something out.Here is what I can do for you: I can paint your minis fast and simple (e.g. regular infantry),...