by japehlio | Dec 3, 2011
All other projects (Blood Angels/True Scale) have been on hold for the past wee while, as I decided to expand upon the Emperor and Custodes squad.Unfortunately, Im going to be using the Grey Knights codex (groan), but on the other hand, I get to use an army of these...
by japehlio | Oct 23, 2011
I'm jumping on the True Scale bandwagon!This time, to keep it simple and small, Im just going to be doing a 8-10 man Deathwatch Squad, with possibly a scaled up Dread too.Plan is to do Captain/Libby/Assault Trooper(2)/Heavy Troop(1)/Tacticals(3+)anyway, before the...
by japehlio | Aug 6, 2011
Yeah, the title is right, this post is about the one, the only, The Emperor, Him.Not the ridiculously overpriced (and generally a crappy knock-off) one you can find on ebay for something around £70, but one I picked up, with my Custodes, for a much more reasonable...
by japehlio | Aug 4, 2011
Every First Founding Legion has/had/has-in-some-strange-form a Primarch, and the Blood Angels are no exception. So, I set about getting my own Sanguinius (besides, you kind of HAVE to, really...After some internet searching, I found this chap, Reaper Miniature's...
by japehlio | Jul 20, 2011
Well, its been far too long since I've updated this, (work, bereavement, work, and certain interwebz drama) but I've not been completely inactive all this time! Work has continued at what can only be described as a haphazard pace, but still, at least there is...