Leviathan Tyranids!

Tyranid Leviathan Brood Lord DeathstormHey folks! Merry Christmas.I wanted to share a little WIP I have going on today. The Broodlord from Deathstorm!  I picked up the Deathstorm box set because I wanted the new rule book, the character termie and I have always...

First Blood Angels list design fail!

 My favorite models to convert have always been Sanguinary Priests.  With them being a single model HQ now I decided to add a Command Squad to my army because that is the only way to get another one.  Looking at the command squad, I at first thought I...

New Blood Angels!

I am still trying to wrap my head around 7th edition but I have some first thoughts on the new codex!I think it is a great improvement. I pointed out my Lamenters list from BFS and saved about enough to buy another whole unit.  Some stuff is much cheaper and...

New Blood Angels Incoming!

So from what I just saw the new BA codex is set to drop next week, along with a new BA centered tactical squad.  The rumors have been back and forth on this, but from what it appears on the cover of the new White Dwarf, it looks like a new BA tac squad kit!...

It’s been quiet

Hi Folks,So I have been extremely quiet of late. I have not been posting to Youtube, doing my live show, or blogging. I just have not been doing any painting or gaming at all. I am not gone, just taking a hobby hiatus while I am working out family stuff. Without...