Defiance Games Fraud?

Defiance Games Fraud?

Just thought I would share. Last fall I backed a Kickstarter for a company called Defiance Games. The KS was for some fishbowl helmet shaped hard suit armor models that I could proxy as marines or whatever. I invested 80 bucks, then quickly forgot about it. They...

Going to Gencon?

I am looking for some one who is going to Gencon this year and wants to do me a favor! Email me. Jawaballs hotmail.  :)
Local fun this month?

Local fun this month?

Looking for something fun and maybe a bit different to do?  The forever lack of a new Blood Angels codex got you down?  Try Shadow Era!  My friend Jared, owner of The Battle Standard in Manchester, CT is hosting a FREE draft tournament for the card game...
NOVA Charitable Army Build

NOVA Charitable Army Build

You have to be IN IT TO WIN IT!This year's Nova Open Charitable Foundation army build is turning out to be a scorcher!  I was just looking at some of the other models painted and I am blown away. Last time I showed you John Stiening's beautiful knight, well, go...