Where to game in CT?

Where to game in CT?

40k is a social game. It is meant to be played by groups of guys. The hobby is meant to be shared. You get better at painting and playing by being around others, learning from them and sharing that experience. You can't get this in your basement alone, (trust me I...

So far removed

I have been so far removed from 40k of late that I honestly had no idea that we are just ten days from a new edition!  HOLY CRAP!Even further, I got a tickle in my belly as I started reading the rumor mills about what is coming, and found out that Blood Angels...
New Charity Army Build Project

New Charity Army Build Project

It is my honor once again to be part of a force for good and participate in this years Nova Open Foundation charity army build.  For info and to enter the drawing visit HERE.What is going on this year?  Well there are four great armies being produced by some...

I live yet!

Sorry folks for my prolonged AFK.  Taking three grad courses while teaching full time and raising a four year old definitely was more work than I thought it would be.  But the good news is the semester just ended! This past Saturday I just submitted my final...
It’s been quiet… time for a Charity Army!

It’s been quiet… time for a Charity Army!

I have been buried with going to graduate school full time, and taking a break after painting my Lamenters army, but that is soon coming to an end. A lot has been happening lately with so much new stuff being released, and yes I have opinions. I will share more on...