Lamenters from Templecon 2014

Lamenters from Templecon 2014

As promised! This is VERY pic heavy folks. Sorry for the long load time but it is worth it! Yes there is still a lot of work to be done. I am very unhappy with the basing, and some of the models are unfinished, such as the sergeant terminator with the unfinished power...
My trip to the big game!

My trip to the big game!

I forgot I had these pics!  I was organizing my images of my Lamenters army when I found all my footage from The Superbowl!  That is right, I was there!  Let me start by saying that The Superbowl has nothing to do with a game of football.  And if...
Templecon 2014

Templecon 2014

I know I have been dropping the ball on pics lately. I got to Templecon and realized I had no card in my camera. I will post pics of my finished Lamenters this week though. So Templecon 2014 is in the books. I had yet another fantastic time! This time I attended as a...

Lamenters first action

And I forgot my camera!  It's ok though, they were not done yet any way. Every thing is just about done, it all just needs some detailing. I wanted to get it into a different venue and see how they look gaming tables before putting the final touches.How did they...
Late night update

Late night update

Hey guys. I just wanted to share a quick WIP update on my Lamenters dread with LED lights.  I need to work on the checks more, and decide if I want to keep the checks on the leg plate with the checker base which is not changing.  I think it is a bit too much...