Templecon is upon us!

Templecon is upon us!

In just a few weeks I will be traveling to Rhode Island for what is one of the coolest cons I have ever been to. Templecon!With trying to balance family, work and life, I have had to reduce the amount of traveling I do for cons and I reduced the number I attend to...
LED Lamenters Razorback WIP

LED Lamenters Razorback WIP

Here are some more WIP pics! I airbrushed the base coat with Badger Mustard Gas over white primer, then I layed in two layers of Yellow on the edges with a brush using Yriel and Flash Gitz.  For the doors I measured the checks with a metal ruler and drew the...
Big Lamenters WIP update

Big Lamenters WIP update

Templecon is a few weeks away, SO I have been in paint mode!Here are some pics of my WIP. Keep in mind these are VERY work in progress.  Most of the models lack final highlights.First up, some Lamenters Terminators. The doomed shooty terminators unlikely to ever...
Hand made full sized banners!

Hand made full sized banners!

Don't worry about not getting what you want for Christmas, buy yourself a banner! Here is my newest hand made banner for a gaming club in the UK, The Northern Knights!If you are interested in a banner for yourself, take a look at the ones on the right that I have done...
The Jawaballs wishlist for a new Blood Angels codex

The Jawaballs wishlist for a new Blood Angels codex

Rumors have it that the new Blood Angels codex could be a fall 2014 release, or maybe all the way into January 2015. Sigh.I guess it is not too early to start wishing?First, what are the issues?  Well, for one, the book was written with the strengths of 5th...