Mechanicon 2013

Mechanicon 2013

It has been a while since I went to Mechanicon but I just have not had time to post! Another fine event has come and gone.  I go to Mechanicon every year mostly for the people that go. I really enjoy seeing these guys each year, and catching up and discussing...
Off to Mechanicon!

Off to Mechanicon!

So I leave tomorrow for Mechanicon. Here are some final pics of my new Tau.Enjoy! And hopefully I will see some of you at the con. Jawaballs
The Jawaballs Mechanicon Army

The Jawaballs Mechanicon Army

Here is my 1850 list that I am taking to Mechanicon next weekend!EtherealSuit Commander with Multi spectrum, COmand and Control and PuretideNo guns12 man Fire Warrior12 man Fire Warrior6 man Fire Warrior20 man Kroot with one Hound10 man Krot with one Hound3 man...
My wife thinks she is funny.

My wife thinks she is funny.

I know this has even less to do with 40k than most of my posts lately, but I wanted to share this with you.My wife fancies herself a writer and gets published in some pretty big sites!We went to see author David Sedaris this week and she wrote a review that was...
Gearing up for The Warstore Weekend!

Gearing up for The Warstore Weekend!

I will be playing my Tau at Mechanicon at The Warstore Weekend!I love that Mechanicon has hooked up with Neal and The Warstore. Mechanicon is my favorite GT and Neal is my favorite vendor of crack!  I attended last year and the event was a lot of fun despite the...