More charity!

More charity!

I just can't get enough, only this time, I have nothing to do with it other than to donate and hope I win!A long time reader/commenter/contributor IDICBeer posted up a link to this charity army project on his blog.  HERE IT ISA bunch of Youtube personalities have...
The Zombie Axiom

The Zombie Axiom

The Walking Dead is just weeks away! So it is time to start gearing up for all things zombie!  To do so I wanted to take a moment to present again The Zombie Axiom by my good friend David Monette. You can find his Kickstarter HERE.  David is a writer and...
X-Wing gaming table!

X-Wing gaming table!

Here is a work in progress shot of a side project I have going on. This is my X-Wing gaming table!  Fritz got me into the game and of course I can't just do something like this part way. I'm  all in baby!This table is 36x48 inches. From what I could tell,...
The stall of The Lamenters (and a rebirth)

The stall of The Lamenters (and a rebirth)

Remember my Lamenters?Yah this thing!  The project I started last summer, right about the same time 6th Ed dropped. Well they have sadly been sitting on a shelf because 6th Edition pretty much left my beloved Blood Angels at or near the bottom of the competitive...
Tournament Watch: Battle For Salvation

Tournament Watch: Battle For Salvation

Fall is here... Sorta... (it was 97 degrees in CT two days ago)But that means Battle for Salvation is around the corner! BATTLE FOR SALVATION is one of the biggest and most successful GTs on the east coast.  It is run by a club who's namesake is used for the...