Under the Dumb?

Under the Dumb?

Fall TV is here again!  The Walking Dead starts in a month and it is time to start flexing the fingers. Bur for now, lets finish off the summer shall we?I don't watch much summer TV, I oddly don't watch much TV at all.  But that doesn't mean I don't like to...


Look what I just found in the mail box...His name is Strawberry. He just consumed a small child.Now, I know all of you have probably seen much bigger in the dunes near Baghdad, or under a rock in Arizona, and maybe I am being a huge pussy, but this is Connecticut....
Nova! Complete with Cosplay…

Nova! Complete with Cosplay…

What a great weekend!For the first time, I went to a con with no aspirations to really play any games at all. I did play in the trios tournament with my new Tau army, but that is more of a late night addon than any serious game.  Instead I set up a vendor table,...

New Zombie book!

Hey all,My good friend David Monette has written his own book about zombies and is attempting to self publish it through Kickstarter.  Check it out HERE.I have included a lot of pictures done by Dave. He is a professional illustrator and his work has appeared in...

Army Update: Tau/Eldar

It is about as last minute as you can get. I am preparing my trios army for The Nova. I decided to make some changes after I played in a tournament yesterday.More on that tournament later.The Changes?First I wanted a little more funk in the back ranks. So I added a...