Fun and Games and a FREE WRAITHKNIGHT

It has become Spikey Con. The annual birthday celebration down at FTW Games, owned by my friend and all around decent dude Rob Baer. Spikey Con is this weekend.What is going on you ask?Well, nothing but an entire weekend of gaming craziness at the store!  Lets...

Finished World Eaters full sized banner.

World Eaters BannerI finished off the Full Sized World Eaters chapter banner today.  Take a gander!Here is some video of it from Youtube.The client wanted a simple Pre Heresy banner, with a metallic main image. I talk about how I made it in the video so I won't...

World Eaters full sized banner WIP

World Eaters BannerHere is a work in progress shot of my newest Full Sized Banner. The World Eaters!I still have to do a white edge on the inner sides of the banner and some details, but it is mostly done! Simple and cool. :)I will be doing five banners this week. I...

Nova just got more fun!

I posted last week that I was going to be doing seminars at this years Nova Open. That still holds true!  I will be doing seminars on Display Board building, and Hand painting and painting in general.  More on that in a bit.My Sanguinor from Nova 2011....

Finally, Gamesday 2012 coverage is up!

Me winning my 4th banner competition at GamesdayGW finally posted the coverage of Gamesday 2012!  See it HERE.Above is a shot from their site of me claiming my prize for the fourth year in a row. This one was tight though, I wonder if it is because of all the...