Summer loving…

So with my tightened wallet I need to plan more wisely on my trips. Templecon this year is just not going to be in the cards as the main hotel is already booked to capacity plus my holiday traveling consumed my spending money. The Conflict GT is MIA. I missed...

GTs coming up!

It is never too late to start planning for upcoming GTs.  Here is a shoutout to my friends over at BOLS and Wargamescon! WARGamesCon 2013 is Coming!WargamesCon is back for its 5th year, bigger and better than ever.! Great, massive venue -  June 6th -9th at...

Lamenters Storm Raven WIP

More WIP pics of my Lamenters Storm Raven!  I traced a Warmachine base to make the circle, then painted it with multiple layers of grey to white. Then I painted the heart with black, then a couple layers of red. I will continue to fiddle with the checks to make...

Embrace the checks: Lamenters Storm Raven

I had a busy birthday!  Part of my present was a day of peace, during which I went to work on the centerpiece of my new Lamenters army.  First I airbrushed with multiple yellows, and then sprayed some shade on it to get the yellow base you see here. I left...

Lamenters Chapter Banner continued

So I posted a pic of my new Lamenters Chapter Banner on Facebook, and none other than the great Dave Taylor popped in and gave some free advice! I wish I lived close to Baltimore. I would be able to work with Dave and bounce ideas off him and vampire some of his...