6th edition: A 40k post!

Ok I took some time off from the internet for a bit, but there is lots to talk about! Now that I have had time to digest the rule book, and play in some tournaments, I want to say that I absolutely love 6th Ed.  Mostly because it is now any bodies game!Allies...

More for sale.

Ok folks here is the first wave of pics and prices set to move. I need cash and it is time to sell. Each of these models, except for Crowe, has appeared in many Best Painted armies. If you know my blog, you know these models!  Email me immediately so I can end...

Space Hulk for sale!

Selling it here first! I have two Factory Sealed Space Hulk 3rd edition, plus a full set of Genestealers on sprue, and one full set of the game, unpunched, minus models in box.  Here is a list of things and my prices: All prices do not include shipping, which...

The Walking Dead… holy crap

HEAVY SPOILER ALERT:Do not read any further if you do not want the episode spoiled.Holy Crap.Ok. Lets start with this. I have not watched Revolution since episode three. But allow me to show you how a terrible actor portrays grief/sorrow/agony at the sudden death of a...

The quiet after the storm

It was a quiet week for me after the storm. It only took three days for my power to come back, but my cable/internet took a whole week to come back. Thank the gods. Just in time for The Walking Dead, which I am crafting a post for now. :) Later this week I will be...