Nid Advice and LOL Prices!

Hi all!  I have been out of 40k and painting for over a year. One of the last things I painted before I fell off  the map was this Broodlord from Deathstorm. At the time I was entertaining the creation of a Tyranid army but just didn't have the gumption....

Newest hand painted banner!

This banner commission was for a home brew chapter called The Knights of the Golden Panda.  He created his own Blood Angels successor and based it on a feudal Japanese style with samurai accents and panda and bamboo iconography. Mostly just to mess with his...

Ultramarines Chapter Banner!

Here is my newest hand made Ultramarines Chapter Banner!Ultramarines Chapter BannerThis is the second time I have done this one.  I had to make some changes. First this particular banner is extremely detailed and I had to simplify it a tad.  One issue is the...

Greenman Designs Kickstarter Images

Here are pictures of the first wave of rewards I received from the Greenman Designs Xwing template kickstarter.  I will write a review of the pieces once I have received the rest of the rewards, as well as a review of the Kickstarter process in general. Jawaballs

Looking for Models

Hey Folks!Yah yah long time no see. I am making an offer on a condo with a mancave next month. I will return soon! For now Stout Smurf is looking for some models from a company called Grindhouse Games. Take a look and let me know if you have them!Check HERE for the...