I’m still here…

My brother, currently deployed, has a gift for terrorists courtesy of Jawaballs.And this is a tracer round so that the scumbags can see it coming.Happy Thanksgiving Isis.More to come...JawaballsOh yah, I still exist. Hopefully getting back into gaming soon!

The Jawaballs Way: How to Paint Blood Angels complete set

Here is the complete set of How to Paint Blood Angels videos from my The Jawaballs Way painting tutorial DVD.  Enjoy! Please visit my Youtube channel and like/subscribe. Also follow my blog. I will be doing a give away soon of a painted model! The next full...

Switching Gears

Hi folks!It is time to switch gears for me. I have been so removed from gaming that I actually have no idea what is going on with 40k right now. I intend to change that and revamp my new army project, and hopefully get in a game with my painted army before they change...

Selling every thing.. Trying to buy a home.

Hey guys. As you know, I have been out of action. I have been trying to dig out from under a divorce, and save up to buy a condo. Sooo my attentions have been elsewhere. For that I am sorry. It is time to liquidate my stuff to make the final push to get myself into my...

Tee Shirt Poll

Hey guys, I am going to be creating and offering some cool shirts. So I figured I would check with you all and see what you might be interested in.  If you want a shirt made, sound off in the comments. I will make it happen, copyright permitting of course....